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  • This course was designed to walk you through the SnagPad methodology, key features and how to effectively and efficiently monitor your caseload.

    Once you have completed the 4 modules, you will be able to:

    1. Understand the methodology behind the SnagPad system
    2. Navigate the your SnagPad account
    3. Manage and monitor your caseload
    4. Engage your client's in maximizing their SnagPad account

    As you start to use SnagPad, your competency will increase in using the various functions of the system. Ultimately, SnagPad is used to monitor the job search behavior of your clients so that you can recommend corrective actions that move them closer towards meaningful employment.

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  • The Social Capital Development Program provides a systematic process of identifying and managing social network resources which support a learner's goals and objectives. The program motivates learners to network with people who can help them accomplish their goals and increase their likelihood for success. The online program involves a social network assessment, goals setting process, network mapping, action plan development and relationship building tools.

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  • The Online 21st Century Strategic Job Search Management Program integrates learning and personal development tools within one dynamic course. The course introduces an important new resource that uniquely melds three crucial strands - goal setting, social networking and strategic job search management. The program is highly experiential and motivating. It provides practical insights and techniques that can be implemented immediately. More specifically, the modules are intended to prepare learners for an actual job search.

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SnagPad is proud to offer 2 Online Training Programs that guide learners through a series of modules in social capital development and strategic job search management. Whether you decide to take one or both programs together, it's entirely up to the user. Each training programs gives learners access for 90 days and consists of 8 modules, which include an interactive, online workbook.

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